Chemical ID |
Chemical Name |
Interaction |
Interaction Action |
Publication |
D000082 |
Acetaminophen |
[Dietary Carbohydrates co-treated with Acetaminophen] results in decreased expression of KLRF1 mRNA | affects cotreatment|decreases expression | 17093179
D001151 |
Arsenic |
Arsenic affects the expression of KLRF1 mRNA | affects expression | 18414638
D002794 |
Choline |
Choline affects the expression of KLRF1 mRNA | affects expression | 17616785
D004040 |
Dietary Carbohydrates |
[Dietary Carbohydrates co-treated with Acetaminophen] results in decreased expression of KLRF1 mRNA | affects cotreatment|decreases expression | 17093179
C406082 |
monomethylarsonous acid |
[monomethylarsonous acid affects the acetylation of HIST3H3 protein] which affects the methylation of KLRF1 promoter | affects acetylation|affects methylation | 18448484
C017947 |
sodium arsenite |
[sodium arsenite affects the acetylation of HIST3H3 protein] which affects the methylation of KLRF1 promoter | affects acetylation|affects methylation | 18448484
D013749 |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin results in decreased expression of KLRF1 mRNA | decreases expression | 17101203
Disease ID |
Disease Name |
Direct Evidence |
Inference Chemical Name |
Inference Score |
Publication |
MESH:D000014 |
Abnormalities, Drug-Induced |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.24 | 15322242 11752688 14514962 |
MESH:D018248 |
Adenoma, Liver Cell |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.77 | 16835633 |
MESH:D000310 |
Adrenal Gland Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
5.14 | 15276417 |
MESH:D018246 |
Adrenocortical Adenoma |
Arsenic |
15.32 | 17306315 |
MESH:D018246 |
Adrenocortical Adenoma |
sodium arsenite |
15.32 | 17306315 16712894 |
MESH:D000740 |
Anemia |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.21 | 11748828 |
MESH:D000799 |
Angioedema |
Acetaminophen |
4.29 | 10982225 |
MESH:D020261 |
Arsenic Poisoning |
Arsenic |
2.93 | 12569548 16251483 18414634 16835338 |
MESH:D050197 |
Atherosclerosis |
Arsenic |
3.40 | 19371607 12928151 |
MESH:D001321 |
Autistic Disorder |
Acetaminophen |
2.35 | 18445737 |
MESH:D001321 |
Autistic Disorder |
Choline |
2.35 | 16818868 |
MESH:D001778 |
Blood Coagulation Disorders |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.33 | 12125929 |
MESH:D001836 |
Body Weight Changes |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.23 | 15340226 |
MESH:D001848 |
Bone Diseases, Developmental |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.93 | 15746008 |
MESH:D001943 |
Breast Neoplasms |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
1.68 | 20435547 |
MESH:D002277 |
Carcinoma |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.02 | 16835633 |
MESH:D002280 |
Carcinoma, Basal Cell |
Arsenic |
3.73 | 17687452 15504454 |
MESH:D006528 |
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular |
Acetaminophen |
4.81 | 3084413 |
MESH:D006528 |
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular |
Arsenic |
4.81 | 17306315 16507464 |
MESH:D006528 |
Carcinoma, Hepatocellular |
sodium arsenite |
4.81 | 17306315 15276417 16507464 |
MESH:D002294 |
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell |
Arsenic |
5.06 | 15504454 17687452 18922899 |
MESH:D002294 |
Carcinoma, Squamous Cell |
sodium arsenite |
5.06 | 18572023 |
MESH:D002295 |
Carcinoma, Transitional Cell |
Arsenic |
4.34 | 18640142 |
MESH:D006332 |
Cardiomegaly |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.50 | 16120746 18850075 18670907 |
MESH:D002318 |
Cardiovascular Diseases |
Arsenic |
3.63 | 17938729 15738583 19152805 |
MESH:D002340 |
Carotid Artery Diseases |
Arsenic |
4.56 | 18022660 16973168 |
MESH:D002386 |
Cataract |
Acetaminophen |
2.73 | 10977129 |
MESH:D002471 |
Cell Transformation, Neoplastic |
monomethylarsonous acid |
7.78 | 19716837 |
MESH:D002471 |
Cell Transformation, Neoplastic |
sodium arsenite |
7.78 | 19524636 20056578 |
MESH:D018281 |
Cholangiocarcinoma |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.41 | 16835633 |
MESH:D002972 |
Cleft Palate |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.20 | 16354765 15340226 15668235 8697196 12621046 |
MESH:D000013 |
Congenital Abnormalities |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.31 | 14669216 17141729 |
MESH:D019465 |
Craniofacial Abnormalities |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
1.26 | 10048152 15322242 20055451 |
MESH:D002658 |
Developmental Disabilities |
Choline |
4.85 | 16818868 |
MESH:D003924 |
Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
1.72 | 17107852 |
MESH:D056486 |
Drug-Induced Liver Injury |
Acetaminophen |
3.78 | 11287661 12540782 17906064 11529661 12705907 19923254 15968718 12594235 19085960 12153990 10915739 19420014 16081117 10663392 11461765 11743745 12958197 18071297 19416960 15619225 16109766 18713872 17522070 16485898 11421492 19370779 16227642 2444490 14725611 14550746 16781746 16393943 14986274 19164858 11834606 11739529 19739265 10774834 16177239 12392966 17562736 |
MESH:D056486 |
Drug-Induced Liver Injury |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.78 | 20420201 |
MESH:D056487 |
Drug-Induced Liver Injury, Chronic |
Acetaminophen |
4.54 | 19426721 |
MESH:D004362 |
Drug Toxicity |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.96 | 11462148 |
MESH:D004487 |
Edema |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.65 | 11000095 12711302 |
MESH:D004489 |
Edema, Cardiac |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.35 | 18230668 16714409 15322242 |
MESH:D004715 |
Endometriosis |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.29 | 10568697 9294722 |
MESH:D005124 |
Eye Abnormalities |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.21 | 11564622 |
MESH:D005313 |
Fetal Death |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.81 | 11858732 |
MESH:D005355 |
Fibrosis |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.31 | 20067830 |
MESH:D005534 |
Foot Diseases |
Arsenic |
6.00 | 6392382 |
MESH:D005756 |
Gastritis |
Acetaminophen |
4.12 | 16983495 |
MESH:D005833 |
Genital Neoplasms, Female |
sodium arsenite |
5.08 | 16452187 |
MESH:D006058 |
Gonadal Disorders |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
5.04 | 10696789 |
MESH:D006330 |
Heart Defects, Congenital |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.46 | 10048152 11294989 |
MESH:D006470 |
Hemorrhage |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.62 | 11000095 |
MESH:D006529 |
Hepatomegaly |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.25 | 15340226 16120746 12621046 |
MESH:D006689 |
Hodgkin Disease |
sodium arsenite |
3.40 | 12676792 |
MESH:D006869 |
Hydronephrosis |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.49 | 18606429 8697196 16354765 15340226 16959395 |
MESH:D006930 |
Hyperalgesia |
Acetaminophen |
2.92 | 16870215 |
MESH:D017488 |
Hyperkeratosis, Epidermolytic |
Arsenic |
4.72 | 17050553 |
MESH:D006973 |
Hypertension |
Arsenic |
5.52 | 9931084 11953799 16076760 |
MESH:D006973 |
Hypertension |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
5.52 | 18850075 18670907 |
MESH:D006987 |
Hypesthesia |
Arsenic |
6.00 | 16093927 |
MESH:D007248 |
Infertility, Male |
sodium arsenite |
3.16 | 12646999 15346721 |
MESH:D007249 |
Inflammation |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
1.98 | 12200463 12878042 |
MESH:D007569 |
Jaw Abnormalities |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.62 | 16580747 |
MESH:D007642 |
Keratosis |
Arsenic |
5.39 | 16930632 12749816 |
MESH:D007674 |
Kidney Diseases |
Acetaminophen |
6.45 | 15629191 12587719 |
MESH:D007674 |
Kidney Diseases |
sodium arsenite |
6.45 | 20008137 |
MESH:D015473 |
Leukemia, Promyelocytic, Acute |
Arsenic |
3.72 | 17339181 |
MESH:D008106 |
Liver Cirrhosis, Experimental |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
1.24 | 12878042 |
MESH:D008107 |
Liver Diseases |
Acetaminophen |
4.26 | 19014921 12587719 12969438 11587558 16611625 16610002 19460945 19784758 |
MESH:D008107 |
Liver Diseases |
Arsenic |
4.26 | 11134558 |
MESH:D017114 |
Liver Failure, Acute |
Acetaminophen |
3.50 | 17185352 16871587 |
MESH:D008113 |
Liver Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
7.99 | 16368122 |
MESH:D008113 |
Liver Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
7.99 | 16712894 15276417 |
MESH:D008113 |
Liver Neoplasms |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
7.99 | 16984957 |
MESH:D008114 |
Liver Neoplasms, Experimental |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
2.26 | 12151625 |
MESH:D008171 |
Lung Diseases |
sodium arsenite |
3.35 | 19095001 |
MESH:D008175 |
Lung Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
3.59 | 17306315 17976673 19168569 |
MESH:D008175 |
Lung Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
3.59 | 16712894 19931552 17306315 15276417 17077188 |
MESH:D008175 |
Lung Neoplasms |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.59 | 11884234 19555203 |
MESH:D008545 |
Melanoma |
sodium arsenite |
2.06 | 19082730 16487513 |
MESH:D008546 |
Melanoma, Experimental |
Acetaminophen |
3.93 | 19513568 |
MESH:D017202 |
Myocardial Ischemia |
Arsenic |
9.75 | 15371236 |
MESH:D017202 |
Myocardial Ischemia |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
9.75 | 12213967 |
MESH:D009369 |
Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
2.61 | 11559025 |
MESH:D009374 |
Neoplasms, Experimental |
sodium arsenite |
4.02 | 20056578 |
MESH:D009421 |
Nervous System Malformations |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.54 | 14600291 |
MESH:D009436 |
Neural Tube Defects |
Arsenic |
8.03 | 16620997 |
MESH:D009436 |
Neural Tube Defects |
sodium arsenite |
8.03 | 12854658 |
MESH:D019636 |
Neurodegenerative Diseases |
Acetaminophen |
3.10 | 18514411 |
MESH:D020078 |
Neurogenic Inflammation |
Arsenic |
4.68 | 17056641 |
MESH:D010051 |
Ovarian Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
5.27 | 17306315 |
MESH:D010051 |
Ovarian Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
5.27 | 15276417 17306315 |
MESH:D010146 |
Pain |
Acetaminophen |
2.62 | 16870215 |
MESH:D010382 |
Peliosis Hepatis |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.69 | 12520081 |
MESH:D010523 |
Peripheral Nervous System Diseases |
Arsenic |
4.51 | 16093927 |
MESH:D016491 |
Peripheral Vascular Diseases |
Arsenic |
5.39 | 6392382 16905509 15371236 |
MESH:D017119 |
Porphyria Cutanea Tarda |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.89 | 18163543 |
MESH:D011297 |
Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
3.59 | 11118676 11222880 11896295 11399792 |
MESH:D011471 |
Prostatic Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
3.36 | 16140617 |
MESH:D011471 |
Prostatic Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
3.36 | 16039940 |
MESH:D011507 |
Proteinuria |
Arsenic |
4.31 | 21343184 |
MESH:D015619 |
Respiratory System Abnormalities |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.17 | 18990726 |
MESH:D012871 |
Skin Diseases |
Arsenic |
5.58 | 17548696 18709164 15952646 19834688 17938729 16759981 16702368 6392382 16353154 17453740 17050553 |
MESH:D012871 |
Skin Diseases |
monomethylarsonous acid |
5.58 | 17431481 |
MESH:D012878 |
Skin Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
10.15 | 19538983 17050553 15504454 17976673 17029826 16251483 |
MESH:D012878 |
Skin Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
10.15 | 19524636 18572023 |
MESH:D012878 |
Skin Neoplasms |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
10.15 | 16192470 |
MESH:D016135 |
Spinal Dysraphism |
sodium arsenite |
4.01 | 12854658 |
MESH:D013959 |
Thyroid Diseases |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.35 | 12697716 |
MESH:D001749 |
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms |
Arsenic |
9.08 | 19429237 11144890 18640142 17976673 17306315 19322015 15987713 |
MESH:D001749 |
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms |
monomethylarsonous acid |
9.08 | 20375083 |
MESH:D001749 |
Urinary Bladder Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
9.08 | 17306315 11723127 16712894 16452187 |
MESH:D014581 |
Urticaria |
Acetaminophen |
3.28 | 10982225 |
MESH:D002583 |
Uterine Cervical Neoplasms |
sodium arsenite |
4.03 | 11813266 |
MESH:D014652 |
Vascular Diseases |
Arsenic |
13.21 | 17056641 |
MESH:D014652 |
Vascular Diseases |
sodium arsenite |
13.21 | 17056641 |
MESH:D054079 |
Vascular Malformations |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
5.04 | 12125929 |
MESH:D019282 |
Wasting Syndrome |
Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin |
4.69 | 15886252 |