AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for PARD3B

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:PARD3B ( ALS2CR19,MGC16131,PAR3B,PAR3L,PAR3LC,PAR3beta,Par3Lb )
Gene Full Name: par-3 partitioning defective 3 homolog B (C. elegans)
Band: 2q33.3
Quick LinksEntrez ID:117583; OMIM: NA; Uniprot ID:PAR3L_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000116117; HGNC ID: 14446
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
Location(AA) Modification
368Phosphoserine (By similarity).
730Phosphoserine (By similarity).
746Phosphoserine (By similarity).
749Phosphoserine (By similarity).
990Phosphoserine (By similarity).
Location(AA) Modifications Resource
368Phosphoserine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
730Phosphoserine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
746Phosphoserine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
749Phosphoserine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
Location(AA) Modification Resource
125Phosphothreonine(MAPK)HMM predict
154O-linkedHMM predict
156O-linkedHMM predict
190Phosphoserine(MAPK)HMM predict
190Phosphoserine(CDK)HMM predict
190Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
332N-linkedHMM predict
350N-linkedHMM predict
352Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
364Phosphoserine(IKK)HMM predict
502N-linkedHMM predict
516N-linkedHMM predict
569Phosphothreonine(PKC)HMM predict
575Phosphoserine(IKK)HMM predict
575Phosphoserine(PKB)HMM predict
619Phosphothreonine(PKC)HMM predict
658Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
658O-linkedHMM predict
658Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
660O-linkedHMM predict
660O-linkedHMM predict
660Phosphothreonine(MAPK)HMM predict
730Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
730PhosphoserineHMM predict
745Phosphoserine(CK2)HMM predict
746Phosphoserine(CK1)HMM predict
749O-linkedHMM predict
775MethylarginineHMM predict
801Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
805Phosphoserine(CK1)HMM predict
807Phosphoserine(CK2)HMM predict
894Phosphothreonine(PKC)HMM predict
933Phosphotyrosine(INSR)HMM predict
971Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
973O-linkedHMM predict
973Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
973PhosphoserineHMM predict
976MethylarginineHMM predict
990Phosphoserine(MAPK)HMM predict
1033Phosphotyrosine(Jak)HMM predict
1034Phosphotyrosine(Jak)HMM predict
1162O-linkedHMM predict
1162PhosphoserineHMM predict
1162Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
1175O-linkedHMM predict
1181MethylarginineHMM predict
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_057177
  • Location:chr2 205118760-206188781
  • strand:+
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF G2GSE9613 205118125 205119037 912 180
PHF8 293TGSE20725 205117969 205118980 1011 286
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 205117636 205118365 729 760
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF G2GSE9613 206203918 206204055 137 15205
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF CD4GSE12889 205264974 205265151 177 0
CTCF CD4GSE12889 205444684 205444837 153 0
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 205264974 205265151 177 0
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 205444684 205444837 153 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 205533891 205534326 435 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 205761141 205761633 492 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 206136743 206136888 145 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 206146207 206146420 213 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 206188400 206188708 308 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 205217842 205218463 621 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 205846356 205846889 533 0
Fos K562GSE19551 205597841 205598509 668 0
FoxA1 MCF7MACSdata 205217956 205218344 388 0
FoxA1 MCF7MACSdata 205243154 205243385 231 0
FoxA1 MCF7MACSdata 205461206 205461382 176 0
FoxA1 MCF7MACSdata 205503439 205503649 210 0
FoxA1 MCF7MACSdata 205846587 205846833 246 0
Gata2 K562GSE18868 205597790 205598438 648 0
H3ac HepG2E 205118999 205120062 1063 0
KLF4 hESGSE17917 205705627 205705798 171 0
KLF4 hESGSE17917 205765937 205766291 354 0
Myc K562GSE19551 205555385 205555669 284 0
Myc K562GSE19551 206185687 206185987 300 0
NRSF-mono JurkatQuESTdata 205423581 205423794 213 0
NRSF-poly JurkatQuESTdata 205423502 205423927 425 0
Nanog ESGSE20650 205550854 205551328 474 0
Nanog ESGSE20650 205620120 205620818 698 0
Nanog ESGSE20650 205712845 205713534 689 0
Nanog ESGSE20650 205849063 205849525 462 0
Nanog hESGSE18292 205437138 205437640 502 0
Nanog hESGSE18292 205870242 205870686 444 0
Oct4 hESGSE21916 205712890 205713427 537 0
P300 T30-glioblastomaGSE21026 205217854 205218559 705 0
P300 T30-glioblastomaGSE21026 205597540 205598749 1209 0
PAX3-FKHR Rh4GSE19063 205626514 205628310 1796 0
SRF k562GSE8489 205502923 205503183 260 0
Stat6 IL-4-hr1GSE17850 205544040 205544788 748 0
Stat6 IL-4-hr4GSE17850 205555119 205555562 443 0
Stat6 IL-4-hr4GSE17850 205924294 205924889 595 0
TAF HelaGSE8489 205185384 205185587 203 0
TAF HelaGSE8489 205290907 205291207 300 0
TAF HelaGSE8489 205643920 205644115 195 0
TAF HelaGSE8489 205769228 205769525 297 0
TAF k562GSE8489 205141165 205141478 313 0
TAF k562GSE8489 205489705 205491274 1569 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 205473974 205474483 509 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 205597740 205598433 693 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 205756315 205756960 645 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 206141460 206142006 546 0
USF2 HepG2E 205623759 205624157 398 0
p130 QuiescentGSE19898 205744295 205744515 220 0
p130 QuiescentGSE19898 205978805 205979082 277 0
p130 QuiescentGSE19898 206071606 206071851 245 0
p63 keratinocytesGSE17611 205785192 205786031 839 0
p63 keratinocytesGSE17611 206146802 206147807 1005 0
Validated miRNA targets Top
Cis-Nats regulation Top

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AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018