AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for ENO3

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:ENO3 ( GSD13,MSE )
Gene Full Name: enolase 3 (beta, muscle)
Band: 17p13.2
Quick LinksEntrez ID:2027; OMIM: 131370; Uniprot ID:ENOB_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000108515; HGNC ID: 3354
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_001976
  • Location:chr17 4795158-4801145
  • strand:+
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 4793662 4794395 733 1130
hScc1 CdLSGSE12603 4793491 4794362 871 1232
No data
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF G2GSE9613 4800809 4801093 284 0
H3ac HepG2E 4795119 4796185 1066 0
Validated miRNA targets Top
Cis-Nats regulation Top

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  (e.g. CHD8)

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AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018