AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for F2

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:F2 ( PT )
Gene Full Name: coagulation factor II (thrombin)
Band: 11p11.2
Quick LinksEntrez ID:2147; OMIM: 176930; Uniprot ID:THRB_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000180210; HGNC ID: 3535
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
Location(AA) Modification
121N-linked (GlcNAc...).
143N-linked (GlcNAc...).
416N-linked (GlcNAc...) (complex).
Location(AA) Modifications Resource
494-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
504-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
574-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
594-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
624-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
634-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
684-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
694-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
724-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
754-carboxyglutamate.Swiss-Prot 53.0
121N-linked (GlcNAc...).Swiss-Prot 53.0
143N-linked (GlcNAc...).Swiss-Prot 53.0
416N-linked (GlcNAc...).Swiss-Prot 53.0
Location(AA) Modification Resource
24Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
67Phosphotyrosine(Syk)HMM predict
95Phosphothreonine(MAPK)HMM predict
95Phosphothreonine(CDC2)HMM predict
121N-linkedHMM predict
143N-linkedHMM predict
196Phosphothreonine(CDK)HMM predict
196Phosphothreonine(MAPK)HMM predict
196Phosphothreonine(CDC2)HMM predict
205N-linkedHMM predict
246Phosphoserine(CK1)HMM predict
299Phosphothreonine(CK2)HMM predict
368Phosphoserine(CK2)HMM predict
385Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
416N-linkedHMM predict
420N-linkedHMM predict
477Phosphotyrosine(INSR)HMM predict
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_000506
  • Location:chr11 46697330-46717630
  • strand:+
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CBP T30-glioblastomaGSE21026 46692047 46693297 1250 4659
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 46696246 46696637 391 889
Fos K562GSE19551 46692687 46692909 222 4533
P300 T30-glioblastomaGSE21026 46692366 46693287 921 4504
No data
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
H3ac HepG2E 46698032 46699111 1079 0
H3ac HepG2E 46699487 46699779 292 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 46705383 46705423 40 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 46707691 46707727 36 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 46702611 46702644 33 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 46705383 46705423 40 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 46707692 46707722 30 0
Validated miRNA targets Top
Micro RNA Name Stem Loop Name The chromosome that miRNA located Publication
hsa-let-7b hsa-let-7b 22 18668040
hsa-let-7b* hsa-let-7b 22 18668040
hsa-miR-1 hsa-mir-1-2 18 18668040
hsa-miR-1 hsa-mir-1-1 20 18668040
hsa-miR-155 hsa-mir-155 21 18668040
hsa-miR-155* hsa-mir-155 21 18668040
hsa-miR-16 hsa-mir-16-1 13 18668040
hsa-miR-16 hsa-mir-16-2 3 18668040
hsa-miR-30a hsa-mir-30a 6 18668040
hsa-miR-30a* hsa-mir-30a 6 18668040
hsa-miR-30b hsa-mir-30b 8 18668040
hsa-miR-30b* hsa-mir-30b 8 18668040
hsa-miR-30c hsa-mir-30c-2 6 18668040
hsa-miR-30c hsa-mir-30c-1 1 18668040
hsa-miR-30c-1* hsa-mir-30c-1 1 18668040
hsa-miR-30c-2* hsa-mir-30c-2 6 18668040
hsa-miR-30d hsa-mir-30d 8 18668040
hsa-miR-30d* hsa-mir-30d 8 18668040
hsa-miR-30e hsa-mir-30e 1 18668040
hsa-miR-30e* hsa-mir-30e 1 18668040
ID in Tarbase Data Type Support Type miRNA Gene Direct Support Publication
864 Unknown pSILAC let-7b F2 down 50-25% 18668040
866 Unknown pSILAC let-7b F2 down 50-25% 18668040
918 Unknown pSILAC LNA_let-7b F2 up >75% 18668040
920 Unknown pSILAC LNA_let-7b F2 up <25% 18668040
989 Unknown pSILAC miR-155 F2 down 50-25% 18668040
1022 Unknown pSILAC miR-16 F2 down 50-25% 18668040
1038 Unknown pSILAC miR-16 F2 down 50-25% 18668040
1039 Unknown pSILAC miR-16 F2 down 75-50% 18668040
1058 Unknown pSILAC miR-16 F2 down 50-25% 18668040
1166 Unknown pSILAC miR-1 F2 down 75-50% 18668040
1303 Unknown pSILAC miR-30 F2 down 50-25% 18668040
Ensembl Protein Type Differentially expressed in Pathology or Event Mis Regulation Gene Expression Tumour Involvement
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
ENSG00000180210 n_a n_a n_a n_a n_a
Cis-Nats regulation Top

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  (e.g. CHD8)

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AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018