AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for ARRB1

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:ARRB1 ( ARB1,ARR1 )
Gene Full Name: arrestin, beta 1
Band: 11q13.4
Quick LinksEntrez ID:408; OMIM: 107940; Uniprot ID:ARRB1_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000137486; HGNC ID: 711
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
Location(AA) Modification
47Phosphotyrosine (By similarity).
395[DE]-X(1,2)-F-X-X-[FL]-X-X-X-R motif.
410Phosphothreonine (By similarity).
Location(AA) Modifications Resource
410Phosphothreonine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
412Phosphoserine (By similarity).Swiss-Prot 53.0
412PhosphoserinePhospho.ELM 6.0
Location(AA) Modification Resource
13Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
215Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
222N-linkedHMM predict
223N-linkedHMM predict
225N-linkedHMM predict
368N-linkedHMM predict
370Phosphothreonine(CDC2)HMM predict
370PhosphothreonineHMM predict
412Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_004041
  • Location:chr11 74654129-74740520
  • strand:-
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
ER MCF7GSE19013 74755453 74756114 661 15263
PAX3-FKHR Rh4GSE19063 74745076 74746051 975 5043
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74745170 74745658 488 4894
Rb QuiescentGSE19898 74746156 74746250 94 5683
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74755555 74756117 562 15316
p130 shRbQuiescentGSE19898 74740534 74740836 302 165
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF CD4GSE12889 74637373 74637681 308 16603
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 74637373 74637681 308 16603
CTCF HelaGSE12889 74637377 74637677 300 16603
CTCF JurkatGSE12889 74637402 74637734 332 16562
ER Fulvestrant-MCF7GSE14664 74646486 74646533 47 7620
Fos K562GSE19551 74637273 74637814 541 16586
Myc K562GSE19551 74637412 74637776 364 16536
TAFII hESGSE17917 74637238 74637666 428 16678
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74637089 74637643 554 16764
hScc1 CdLSGSE12603 74637121 74637643 522 16748
hScc1 G2GSE9613 74636492 74637643 1151 17062
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CBP JurkatGSE17954 74728184 74730386 2202 0
CTCF CD4GSE12889 74659801 74659987 186 0
CTCF CD4GSE12889 74668847 74669170 323 0
CTCF CD4GSE12889 74717448 74717643 195 0
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 74659801 74659987 186 0
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 74668847 74669170 323 0
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 74717448 74717643 195 0
CTCF JurkatGSE12889 74668808 74669204 396 0
ER E2-MCF7GSE14664 74679791 74679887 96 0
ER E2-MCF7GSE14664 74692140 74692173 33 0
ER Fulvestrant-MCF7GSE14664 74679852 74679889 37 0
ER Fulvestrant-MCF7GSE14664 74692137 74692172 35 0
ER MCF7GSE19013 74722244 74723675 1431 0
ER MCF7GSE19013 74739748 74740736 988 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 74677862 74678348 486 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 74690217 74690556 339 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 74696579 74697113 534 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 74731092 74732159 1067 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 74737933 74738412 479 0
Fos K562GSE19551 74682623 74683025 402 0
H3ac HepG2E 74737582 74739930 2348 0
NRSF pAbJurkat 74660458 74660689 231 0
NRSF pAbJurkat 74671503 74671835 332 0
NRSF pAbJurkat 74708819 74709877 1058 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 74663241 74663270 29 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 74669011 74669038 27 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 74678305 74678334 29 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 74688976 74689006 30 0
Oct1 H2O2-HelaGSE14283 74696919 74696949 30 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74663366 74663394 28 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74668938 74668968 30 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74669010 74669047 37 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74678300 74678335 35 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74688976 74689006 30 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74689957 74689987 30 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74707808 74707842 34 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74734720 74734792 72 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74738602 74738641 39 0
Oct1 HelaGSE14283 74739346 74739382 36 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74696793 74697113 320 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74714326 74715015 689 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74721863 74722087 224 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74726088 74727664 1576 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74731092 74732159 1067 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74732874 74733614 740 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 74737873 74738602 729 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74696689 74697113 424 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74702071 74702343 272 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74711236 74711414 178 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74731092 74732159 1067 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 74737933 74738602 669 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74714397 74715311 914 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74722368 74722936 568 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74725967 74726560 593 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74728385 74729894 1509 0
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 74738094 74738869 775 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74668784 74669434 650 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74669787 74670161 374 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74694728 74695049 321 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74696615 74697113 498 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74707825 74708188 363 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74717185 74717755 570 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74723032 74723187 155 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74724860 74725219 359 0
hScc1 BcellGSE12603 74739774 74740389 615 0
hScc1 CdLSGSE12603 74668784 74669434 650 0
hScc1 CdLSGSE12603 74717185 74717755 570 0
hScc1 G2GSE9613 74668828 74669411 583 0
hScc1 G2GSE9613 74722505 74722714 209 0
p130 QuiescentGSE19898 74736651 74736979 328 0
p130 SenescentGSE19898 74702113 74702442 329 0
p130 SenescentGSE19898 74726101 74726360 259 0
p130 shRbSenescentGSE19898 74714732 74715074 342 0
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AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018