AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for TNFSF10

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:TNFSF10 ( APO2L,Apo-2L,CD253,TL2,TRAIL )
Gene Full Name: tumor necrosis factor (ligand) superfamily, member 10
Band: 3q26
Quick LinksEntrez ID:8743; OMIM: 603598; Uniprot ID:TNF10_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000121858; HGNC ID: 11925
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
No data
No data
Location(AA) Modification Resource
50Phosphoserine(CK1)HMM predict
64Phosphotyrosine(Syk)HMM predict
64Phosphotyrosine(INSR)HMM predict
111Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
133Phosphoserine(PKB)HMM predict
135Phosphothreonine(PKC)HMM predict
137Phosphoserine(CK1)HMM predict
138Phosphoserine(CDC2)HMM predict
141PhosphoserineHMM predict
159Phosphoserine(ATM)HMM predict
162Phosphoserine(IKK)HMM predict
185SulfotyrosineHMM predict
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_003810
  • Location:chr3 173706158-173723962
  • strand:-
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF G2GSE9613 173737455 173737703 248 13617
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 173737072 173737631 559 13389
Fos K562GSE19551 173741667 173742120 453 17931
Jun K562GSE19551 173741786 173742097 311 17979
Myc K562GSE19551 173731090 173731471 381 7318
RARA MCF7GSE15244 173742376 173742816 440 18634
p63 keratinocytesGSE17611 173737011 173738046 1035 13566
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF CD4GSE12889 173690740 173690905 165 15336
CTCF CD4SISSRdata 173690740 173690905 165 15336
Fos K562GSE19551 173690603 173690968 365 15373
Myc K562GSE19551 173690724 173690926 202 15334
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
CTCF G2GSE9613 173712931 173713086 155 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 173713535 173713768 233 0
CTCF G2GSE9613 173718669 173718850 181 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 173715624 173716217 593 0
FOXA1 MCF7GSE15244 173717273 173717785 512 0
H3K4me3 colorectalcancer 173722716 173723009 293 0
Myc K562GSE19551 173718322 173718731 409 0
RARA MCF7GSE15244 173715411 173716217 806 0
RARG MCF7GSE15244 173715411 173716217 806 0
p63 keratinocytesGSE17611 173716927 173717927 1000 0
Validated miRNA targets Top
Micro RNA Name Stem Loop Name The chromosome that miRNA located Publication
hsa-let-7c hsa-let-7c 21 18006822
hsa-let-7c* hsa-let-7c 21 18006822
hsa-miR-10a hsa-mir-10a 17 18006822
hsa-miR-10a* hsa-mir-10a 17 18006822
hsa-miR-143 hsa-mir-143 5 20064147
hsa-miR-143* hsa-mir-143 5 20064147
hsa-miR-144 hsa-mir-144 17 18006822
hsa-miR-144* hsa-mir-144 17 18006822
hsa-miR-145 hsa-mir-145 5 20588276
hsa-miR-145* hsa-mir-145 5 20588276
hsa-miR-150 hsa-mir-150 19 18006822
hsa-miR-150* hsa-mir-150 19 18006822
hsa-miR-155 hsa-mir-155 21 18006822
hsa-miR-155* hsa-mir-155 21 18006822
hsa-miR-15b hsa-mir-15b 3 19956871
hsa-miR-15b* hsa-mir-15b 3 19956871
hsa-miR-185 hsa-mir-185 22 20603620
hsa-miR-185* hsa-mir-185 22 20603620
hsa-miR-221 hsa-mir-221 X 19767219
hsa-miR-221 hsa-mir-221 X 18246122
hsa-miR-221 hsa-mir-221 X 19962668
hsa-miR-221* hsa-mir-221 X 19767219
hsa-miR-221* hsa-mir-221 X 18246122
hsa-miR-221* hsa-mir-221 X 19962668
hsa-miR-222 hsa-mir-222 X 18246122
hsa-miR-222 hsa-mir-222 X 19962668
hsa-miR-222* hsa-mir-222 X 18246122
hsa-miR-222* hsa-mir-222 X 19962668
hsa-miR-29a hsa-mir-29a 7 20564213
hsa-miR-29a* hsa-mir-29a 7 20564213
hsa-miR-29b hsa-mir-29b-1 7 20564213
hsa-miR-29b hsa-mir-29b-2 1 20564213
hsa-miR-29b-1* hsa-mir-29b-1 7 20564213
hsa-miR-29b-2* hsa-mir-29b-2 1 20564213
hsa-miR-29c hsa-mir-29c 1 20564213
hsa-miR-29c* hsa-mir-29c 1 20564213
No data
Cis-Nats regulation Top

Simple Query:

  (e.g. CHD8)

Syndromic Genes

Non-syndromic Genes

AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018