AutismKB 2.0

Annotation Detail for ISG15

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Basic Information Top
Gene Symbol:ISG15 ( G1P2,IFI15,IP17,UCRP,hUCRP )
Gene Full Name: ISG15 ubiquitin-like modifier
Band: 1p36.33
Quick LinksEntrez ID:9636; OMIM: 147571; Uniprot ID:ISG15_HUMAN; ENSEMBL ID: ENSG00000187608; HGNC ID: 4053
Relate to Another Database: SFARIGene; denovo-db
Post Translation Modification Top
Validated transcription factor binding site by ChIP-Chip and ChIP-Seq
  • RefSeq ID: NM_005101
  • Location:chr1 938741-939775
  • strand:+
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
Rb GrowingGSE19898 938470 938627 157 193
Rb SenescentGSE19898 938483 938750 267 125
p130 QuiescentGSE19898 938357 938761 404 183
p130 shRbSenescentGSE19898 938384 938661 277 219
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
AR prostate-cancerGSE14092 941319 941818 499 1793
ERG prostate-cancerGSE14092 941318 941682 364 1725
Transcrip Factors Experimental Cell Database TF Binding Start TF Binding End TF Binding Length The Distance to Gene
TFAP2C MCF7GSE21234 938453 939212 759 0
p130 shRbSenescentGSE19898 939143 939321 178 0
Validated miRNA targets Top
Cis-Nats regulation Top

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  (e.g. CHD8)

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Non-syndromic Genes

AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018