AutismKB 2.0

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Notes: ACRD: Autism Chromosome Rearrangement Database
CNV Name Chr Band Gain/Loss Number of CNVs Evidence Type Reference
Case Control
AutCNV0003452 1 1p36.32 loss 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003453 1 1p35.2 loss 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003454 1 1p35.2 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003455 1 1p34.2 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003456 1 1p34.2 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003457 1 1p31.3 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003458 1 1p31.3 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003459 1 1p21.1 loss 2 - Overlapping/Recurrent CNVs; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003460 1 1p13.1 gain 2 - Overlapping/Recurrent CNVs; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003461 1 1p12 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003462 1 1q25.1 loss 2 - Overlapping/Recurrent CNVs; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003463 1 1q31.1 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003464 1 1q31.1 loss 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003465 1 1q42.2 loss 2 - Overlapping/Recurrent CNVs; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003466 1 1q43 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003467 1 1q43 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003468 1 1q43 loss 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Gai, 2011
AutCNV0003796 1 1p35.2-p34.3 gain 1 - de novo CNVs; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003797 1 1q43 gain 1 - de novo CNVs; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003798 1 1q43 gain 1 - de novo CNVs; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003871 1 1p36.22 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003872 1 1p36.13 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003873 1 1p36.13 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003874 1 1p36.13 loss 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Levy, 2011
AutCNV0003875 1 1p34.3 gain 1 - CNVs Only Present In Patients; Levy, 2011

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AutismKB Statistics

  • Studies: 1,036
  • Genes: 1,379
  • CNVs/SVs: 5,420
  • SNVs/Indels: 11,669
  • de novo Mutations: 5,669
  • Mosaics: 789
  • Linkage Regions: 172
  • Paper Collected: 6/30/2018
  • Last Update: 8/26/2018